[DEVS 492] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 39 pages long Study Guide!

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Devs 492 - inequality and development in north america. The term (cid:494)south(cid:495) was popularized by the brandt commission reports. Over the following decades, (cid:498)global(cid:499) was attached to the (cid:498)south(cid:499) to form the. The undp initiative of (cid:884)00(cid:885), (cid:498)forging a global south(cid:499) underlined the significance of the term : established by then head of world bank robert mcnamara and contemporary compound term. Latin america: (cid:498)third world(cid:499) coined by alfred sauvy to distinguish the formerly, the changing uses of the term global south offers clues of both. 1980s washington consensus, a term that was coined with referenced to continuities/discontinuities over the last century in the global positioning of the south as well as ideological and political roles assigned. Us policies in latin america, but quickly came to be associated with shift from governmental intervention in the economy to marketization. Its geography is much more complicated than the term suggests.