DEVS 230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Structural Adjustment, Devs

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Document Summary

Political economy: focused on power relations, takes in cultural/historical background, less theoretical: focused on material life, relationships surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, focus on power. How it is used to shape the political economy and the way in which it distributes costs and bene ts, risks and opportunities to social groups, enterprises and organizations. Dimensions to structural power: control over: production, knowledge, security, and credit (think triangle, security: ability to offer protection against perceived threats. When controlling where things are produced, you control who has jobs. Also control what types of products are available: credit: access to credit (not always money) allows for investment in the modern economy. Can be created and those who can create and provide credit have power over capitalists. Economy would not be able to expand as fast as it has w/o credit: knowledge. Who possess it, who controls access to it, who has authority to place value on it.