DEVS 230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: New Development Bank, Newly Industrialized Country, The Real News

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Brics is an acronym for the 5 major emerging economies: brazil, russia, india, china and south africa: jim o"neil of goldman sachs coined the name in 2001. The association, consisting of brazil, russia, india and china, came together in 2009, and. The brics members are the leading developing countries or the newly industrialized countries. The purpose of the group is to analyze and find solution to issues concerning the global. South, as well as emerging markets and pursues a shared prosperity among each nation"s fast growing economies. It was formed to provide an alternative to the wb and imf to challenge us supremacy, as well as to provide a self owned organization to carry out developmental and economic plans without being dependent on the north. These countries are all in the top 25 of world population, thus brics is 40% the world population.