DEVS 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Commodification, Industrial Revolution, Immanuel Kant

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DEVS100– Canada and the Third
Final Exam Study Guide
Queen’s University – Fall 2015
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DEVS 100A – Lecture 1 – “Canada and the Third World” Intro
Global Wealth Inequality
- The “1%”
o 200 years ago the richer countries were only 3x richer than those poorer countries,
today à 85x
o About $2 Trillion flow from poor countries to rich economies each year through;
§ Cheap labour
§ Trade regulations
§ Loopholes
§ Resource exploitation
What is Development?
- How do you measure development?
- GDP? HDI? Happiness?
- Imperialism, Colonialism, Neo(Colonialism)
- Theories of Development;
o Pro-Market
§ Capitalism is good for the bank
§ Drivers of the economy
§ World Bank
o Anti-Market
§ Capitalism is the problem
§ Reasons for inequality and poverty
o Post-Colonialism
- Development Institutions
o Aid agencies
o World Bank/IMF
o UN
o Multinational corporations
- Issues in Development
o Gender and Ecology
o Urbanization
o Debt and Financialization
o Privatization
o BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
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DEVS100 – Lecture 2 - Slums
“The Slum” Episode 1 - Aljazeera
- 1/6 people live in a slum
- High fertility rates are associated with poverty
- High levels of waste and pollution
- Night markets
o Open stalls, exposed produce
§ Can lead to food poisoning and other such food borne diseases
- Uneducated workers that still provide necessary services
o Midwives
- Rising population leads to higher number of customers
o But also a higher number of competitors
§ Increasing small business failure
- More than 2 million children die each year due to diarrhea
o The number increases as the issue of poor sanitation persists
DEVS100 - Lecture 3 - Development
What is Development?
- The act or process of developing; growth or progress
- For the world to become a better place (WWII idea)
- China/India
- Thousands of years of culture and history, but not developed to a western
- Subjective poverty;
- Lack of health care, income, housing, education etc
- Does income=happiness?
- Is change always good?
- Lack of cultural development;
- India - Open Defecation - The Untouchables
- Diarrhea is the 2nd leading cause of death for children under 5
-Poor sanitation → greater inux of diseases
- Descriptive Development
- Describing and learning of the various types
- Prescriptive Development
- Prescribing ways to change and improve
- The UNDP in 1991 described Development as the opportunity to make choices
- ie; Do I want to go to class today? Should I eat that hamburger?
-Not → I have no school. I have no food
- Sustainable development
- Not a fixed state
- Dignity, fulfillment, potential
- Mainstream ideas of Development;
- Income per capita
- Infrastructure
- Services (health, social, political)
- Which is supported by;
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