FILM 240 Study Guide - Motion Picture Patents Company, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Warner Independent Pictures

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6 major studios: 20th century fox, paramount, warnerbrothers, universal, disney, columbia. They are multimedia conglomerates - also own theatres, music labels, etc. Mass distribution of media by 6 major labels helps us consume more of it. Corporate independents independent film production houses often owned by major studios, producing less mainstream, more edgy, and often award-winning movies. [ex] miramax films, paramount vantage, warner independent pictures, fox searchlight pictures create more low budget films lends prestige to the studios from winning film festival awards. More intellectual and sophisticated, low special effects = heightened realism. Many have disappeared and been reabsorbed by their main companies. Indie films independent film production houses that work outside the major studios who tend to control the industry must have a distribution deal with the major studios in order to increase their reach. Marketing and promotion of the film requires financial help from a corporate major. Created in 1939 by the government for wartime propaganda.