[ENSC 315] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 54 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Introduction to global food security, agriculture and t. Science: technological innovation; seeds, machinery, computer modeling, weather prediction etc. Local resilience and farmers: resilient local supply chains. Regulation and policy: overarching structures through which the food system is managed, economic, trade, agriculture, food safety, land use, income supports, intellectual property rights etc. Global hunger and the challenge of feeding 9 billion. 9 billion by 2050: increased wealth = increased demand for meat, processed food, western foods, food producers facing competition, urbanization, concentration of power in food system. Agriculture has a huge impact on the environment - one of main contributors to greenhouse gasses. Climate change has huge impact on food production. There are many contradictory opinions and even contradictory science. Meeting growing demands for food from increasingly affluent populations. Do this in ways that are environmentally sustainable. Do this in ways that meet the needs of everyone, including the most vulnerable. Rise in food production for major grains and meats 1960-2010.