[CISC 327] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (34 pages long!)

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Cisc 327: week 1: class 3: software process models. Roughly, each layer of the spiral corresponds to one phase of the waterfall (although there are no fixed phases). For example, the first layer could be the requirements phase, second layer the design phase, etc. If user interface risks dominate, use evolutionary prototyping. If safety risks are the major issue, use formal methods. If integraion problems are the big risk, use waterfall model: review and plan, review and evaluate results of this phase (layer), decide whether another layer of the spiral is needed, if so, draw up plans for next phase. Heavyweight process: the spiral model requires a large amount of overhead. Every layer requires a lot of documentation and many meetings, progress can therefore be slow. Depends on risk analysis: needs a very experienced team to recognize and analyze risks accurately, high dependency on quality of people (itself a risk!