COGS 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Thinking, Psych, Taste

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Mental images are an exact representation of our experiences: mainly visual images, such as maps, pictures, diagrams, etc, can also be other types such as auditory, olfactory, gustatory. Psych experiments suggest that our mind thinks with both words and images. The mind perceives and interprets information by using multiple representations but the strongest one creates the link between the information and the memory. Images seen are then processed and interpreted by the mind: results in possible warped realities, we see what our minds want to see. Computers cannot recognize objects in pictures as we can: humans can see partially hidden objects and predict. Illusions shows that what we see isn"t real, and it"s just what our minds show us. Two eyes allow people to see different angles and perspectives, allowing us to see in 3d. Drawings give visual systems information: which is then interpreted differently.