CLST 335- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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Scientia: applied to knowledge in mathematics and science. Techne: art; meaning the art/craft of medicine. From kos, born 460 bc died 370 bc. He (cid:449)rote (cid:862)the hippo(cid:272)rati(cid:272) oath(cid:863) that all do(cid:272)tors take. This is based on ancient belief that body was made of 4 main fluids referred to as (cid:858)hu(cid:373)ours(cid:859: blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm. When someone is healthy it was held that all their humours were perfectly balanced. Phlebotomy is withdraw of blood from body in effort to prevent or cure illness and disease; purged (cid:271)ody of (cid:858)(cid:271)ad hu(cid:373)ours(cid:859) During early 3rd c. bc there is development of human dissection (and vivisection) in. Alexandria: herophilos of chalkedon and erasistratos of ioulis on keos are associated with transformation. Study of internal parts of human body up to this point had been supplemented by comparative anatomy on dissection of animals by aristotle. Undertaking human dissection broke with deep cultural traditions that were entrenched with religious and social commitment.