[CLST 335] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 44 pages long Study Guide!

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20 short answer/fill in the blanks (3 marks each) Topic is chosen from list posted on onq or agreed upon with colivicchi. Paper does(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e to (cid:271)e argu(cid:373)e(cid:374)tati(cid:448)e; (cid:373)ai(cid:374) idea is to (cid:272)olle(cid:272)t a(cid:374)d prese(cid:374)t i(cid:374)for(cid:373)atio(cid:374) Johan gustav droysen (1800s) introduced term in modern historiography: wrote geschichte des hellenismus (history of hellenism) Used term to mean: system of states resulting from conquests of alexander, where local population was governed by greco-macedonian elite and historical period when those states existed before they were conquered by romans. Previously, historians focused on classical period: synthesis of greek and eastern culture resulting from spread of greek system of government and education. Was intrigued by hellenistic period, previously object of little scholarly attention, because it was seen as an age of cultural interaction and mixture that produced a new reality. Idea of hellenism was positive, not a negative view like other had where it referred to the degeneration of greek culture.