CLST 203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Aphrodite Pandemos, Aphrodite Urania, Minos

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Emerges from the foam of ouranos" castration by cronos . Born from fertility and violence early celestial aphrodite is ourania. Aphrodite cypria and paphia pygmalion in ovid. Pygmalion, sculptor never satisfied with the women, made himself one. Festival to aphrodite and he prays for her to make his love real statue comes to life and they have daughter paphos, the namesake of this city on cyprus. Aphrodite ourania pure, celestial and spiritual love celebrated in rome as venus. Pandemos daughter of zeus and dione , pandemos is everyone"s aphrodite . Physical attraction, procreation, laughter loving and playful, depicted as naked. Sappho pray to aphrodite to stop her lovesickness and make her love requited. Magic girdle (related to aegis) accompanied by gratiae, her attendants. Aphrodite lays out her vengeance on hippolytus phaedra his stepmother to fall in love. Phaedra kills herself, accuses hippolytus of rape wants to punish hippolytus. Theseus wishes death on him hippolytus is fleeing on chariot, bull smashes.