CLST 201 Midterm: CLST 201 Midterm 2

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Clst 201: midterm exam 2 friday, march 11th. Though no roman/latin colonies were established outside of italy yet, italians moved to spain *puerta de jerez (cherie) is in the city of seville. It lica: roman colony near hispalis and seville and birthplace of roman emperors trajan and hadrian. Father: p. cornelius scipio (cos. 218, died 211); younger bro: l. cornelius scipio asiaticus; wife: aemilia paulla (daughter of l. Aemilius paullus, cos. 216) her brother l. aemilius paullus. Descendants: publius, lucius, cornelia major (older daughter), cornelia minor (younger) New roman senate: senate was divided as to how to deal with the new circumstances many thought the new patria (country) was not good. Example of (cid:498)new and foreign idea/circumstance(cid:499) was cults that worshipped bacchus a god (186) in reaction to cult, senate passed senatus consultum (decree) de bacchanalibus which outlawed the cult. M. cato was latin born tusculum, who fought at metarus and elected quaestor in 204.