BIOL 201 Study Guide - Homologous Chromosome, Red Algae, Dinoflagellate

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20 Jul 2015

Document Summary

Many eukaryotes reproduce asexually - why: sucker, ex. American beech sapling growing from parent"s roots: benefits: parent organism already well adapted to environment, however if change in an environment, species would benefit from genetic variation. Distinctive speciation mechanisms in eukaryotes: can lead to functioning organism that can reproduce, hybridization, autopolyloidy, allopolyploidy. Flowering plants (and animals) have evolved toward very reduced gametophyte stages . : asexual (haploid)-> sexual -> diploidy->zygotic meiosis -> sporic meiosis. Algae: the photosynthetic protists: plant-like organisms, but lack true roots, stems or leaves, generally photosynthetic, generally aquatic, lack vascular tissue or a cuticle. Light energy in relation to photosynthesis: light energy is inversely proportional to its wavelength, photosynthetic organisms contain a range of pigments, bacteriochlorophyll, chlorobium chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophylls b, c, d, carotenoids - carotenes and xanthophylls, phycobilins. The ecology of algae in aquatic ecosystems paralleles that of plants in terrestrial ecosystems.