BIOL 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Antigen, Autoimmunity, Antibody

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Immunity: identifying foreign molecules as nonself and destroying them, nonself molecules are called antigens and can be molecular fragments found on the surface of a cell. Autoimmunity: your immune system treats your own cells as antigens and attacks them, auto- antibodies do not recognize the self protein. Rh factor: rhesus, another blood group affecting cell surface molecules. Rh incompatibility: occurs when a rh- mother has an rh+ child. The placenta produce hormones that maintain the pregnancy. Some proteins, nutrients, wastes, and gases can cross the placenta but cells cannot. 1st rh incompatible pregnancy: no direct blood to blood contact because cells don"t cross the placenta. Mothers immune system gets trained only if fetal rbc cells contact mothers blood stream (happens through birth, abortion, injury, or amniocentesis) Mother"s trained rh- immune system makes anti-rh antibodies and these are now always present in the mother.