[ANAT 215] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (58 pages long!)

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Autonomic nervous system (ans): visceral motor (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands) pathways for motor output: two-neuron chain: preganglionic neurons with cell bodies in cns postganglionic neurons with cell bodies in ganglia out side cns. Sympathetic: origin: spinal cord segment t1-l2 (also called thoracolumbar division) widely distributed to many parts of the body generally is responsible for situations in which energy needs to be expended (the fight or flight phenomenon) widespread effects. Parasympathetic: origin: brain stem and spinal cord 2,3,4 (also called craniosacral division) more limited in distribution to target organs generally enhances energy stores (conserves energy) more restricted, localized effects. Cn x supplies thorax to the descending colon. S2,3,4 supply terminal gut and pelvic viscera (bladder and reproductive organs) Activation of ans: sympathetic postganglionic neurons release noradrenalin parasympathetic postganglionic neurons release acetylcholine. Cartilage and bone (reading materials: chapter 3: pages 71-74; chapter 5: pages 116-121; 131-135)