ANAT 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 181 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Anatomy: study of the structure of the body and the relationship of its parts. Gross anatomy: regional/systemic anatomy (we mostly do this) Tools of anatomy: will be exposed to this stuff but won"t actually use them. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (mri or nmr) Scanning electron microscopy (along with stains and specific probes) light microscopes of all types (along with stains and specific probes) transmission electron microscopy (along with stains and specific probes) Structure is relation to function and vice-versa so the functional significance of a body system or structure will be considered. Tissues arise embryologically (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) and give rise to 4 types of tissue: Connective: e. g. bones and cartilage, tendons and ligaments, blood cells. Organs when 2 or more tissue types combine for a particular function. Chemical/molecular level cellular level tissue level organ level organ system level. Anatomy is a descriptive science so we need common, understandable terms for reference for communication.