CHEM 121 Study Guide - Final Guide: Writing Implement, Carbon Tetrachloride, Bohr Model

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9 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Do not turn the page until instructed to do so: take the time now to fill out the front of the exam booklet. Be sure to indicate clearly your instructor"s name: make sure you have all 3 pages, including this one with some helpful information on the back, and 2 double-sided pages with 10 questions. Solstice celebration you feel appropriate: the game is afoot! Constants electron mass = 9. 109 10 31 kg proton mass = 1. 673 10 27 kg neutron mass = 1. 675 10 27 kg h = 6. 626 10 34 js c = 2. 998 108 m/s. Rh = 2. 178 10 18 j a0 = 5. 29 10 11 m e = 1. 602 10 19 c. Na = 6. 022 1023 mol 1 k = 1. 381 10 23 jk 1. 1 atm = 101. 325 kpa = 760 torr. = h/mv h = h 0 + ke.