BIOL 131 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thrombopoietin, Basophil, Eosinophil

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Platelets: cellular fragments pinched off from megakaryocytes (thrombopoietin is a hormone that regulates platelet production) Hematopoiesis is blood cell production (occurs in the bone marrow) - takes 15 days. Stem cells called hemocytoblasts produce all formed elements. 98. 5% of oxygen is attached to hemoglobin, remaining is dissolved in plasma. 70% of co2 is transported as bicarbonate, 20% bound to hemoglobin and 10% dissolved into plasma hemoglobin and 10% dissolved into plasma. Destruction of rbcs occurs in the spleen, liver and bone marrow engulf and break down old rbcs. Heme is degraded into yellow pigment bilirubin, which binds to albumin and is picked up by the liver. Eosinophils: 2-4% of all wbcs, release enzymes on parasites. Lymphocytes: 25% of all wbcs, crucial to immunity (t and b cells) Monocytes: 3-8% of all wbcs, largest size of all, phagocytic. Vascular spasms: vessel responds to injury with vasoconstriction, triggered by direct injury to vascular muscle.