NURS 3104 Study Guide - Final Guide: Calcium Channel Blocker, Angina Pectoris, Ticlopidine

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The objectives of the medical management of angina are to decrease the oxygen demand of the myocardium and to increase the oxygen supply. Medically, these objectives are met through pharmacologic therapy and control of risk factors. Alternatively, reperfusion procedures may be used to restore the blood supply to the myocardium. Pci procedures (e. g. , percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [ptca], intracoronary stents, and atherectomy) and cabg. Nitrates remain the mainstay for treatment of angina pectoris. A vasoactive agent, nitroglycerin(nitrostat, nitrol, nitro-bid) is administered to reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, which decreases ischemia and relieves pain. The calcium channel blockers most commonly used are amlodipine (norvasc) and diltiazem (cardizem,tiazac). They may be used by patients who cannot take beta- blockers, who develop significant side effects from beta-blockers or nitrates, or who still have pain despite beta-blocker and nitroglycerin therapy. Calcium channel blockers are also used to prevent and treat vasospasm, which commonly occurs after an invasive interventional procedure.