GNED 1202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Metanarrative, Thomas Robert Malthus, Social Darwinism

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Study guide: overview of darwin"s theory of evolution a. i. Basic premises of darwin evolution- darwin gives idea of individualism a. ii. Direct struggle between individuals- there is indeed struggle among like species, and among different species, over scarce resources. Those animals who acquire habits of mutual aid are much better fit for rearing progeny, defence and , food/nutrition. Evolution is an agreed upon fact, shared biochemistry, Morphological traits in common, dna confirmation of common ancestor (3-5 billion years bp) Idea that we have certain package of ideas on how evolution works and we take that package and we use it to understand social systems to the point where produce expender gives survival to fittest. Why men superior to women, why white americans superior to black africans because of great struggle in human race who gets on top. And other scientific stuff like eugenics, mapping- all these ideas being able to quantify based on phenotype.