GNED 1202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Putting-Out System, Wage Labour, Proletariat

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Study guide: background information on engels: life and times in which he wrote (ie. the society that he was critiquing, pre-industrial cottage industry capitalism a. i. Cottage industry capitalism- ppl involved in business have their own shops, wives, and children, everyone had ownership in means of production. On its own market will do what is best. a. ii. Understanding the ways by which individuals act out; they act out of self- interest, steering society into the direction of the greatest good -> Transition to urban industrialization, away from cottage industry capitalism: conditions of the working class b. i. Urbanization (poor sanitation, lack of affordable housing, unemployment) what comes with this is crime according to more b. ii. Depressed wages- supply &labour (too many people unemployed). People willing to work for least amount of money for a job = labour supply. b. iii. Problems existed in factories that were highlighted by parliamentary committee for royal commission b. iv. 1. Poor conditions of work: dust, heavy lifting, filth.