WOMENST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Marital Rape, Thilo Sarrazin, Family Constellations

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Describes the state as an abstraction thata refers to a set of relations, practices, and institutions. Each state consists of a variety : western liberal democratic state. Pettman argues that this is an interventionist state it is: Bureaucratized (takes forever to have any governmental work done) Affects everyone in every aspect of life (constantly monitoring us and our activities) The state is largely masculine in its assumption of elite male interests and characteristics as the norm. Feminist presence often marginalized and contained (i. e. conversation of abortion) Legislation and policy it is implicated in the constructions of public and private: locke and hobbes, colonization. Used notions of difference such as women"s biological makeup, culture as reasons for excluding women from the political sphere (i. e. they both address women as mothers in their literature, which relegates her as the domestic: regulating women. Disrupted how other forms of nation could have been practiced (i. e. only reinforced, or rather introduced, patriarchal systems)