[SOCSCI 2O03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (37 pages long!)

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Kids are sponges they take everything in may repeat the same back to you. What is love: the way they say your name is different billy, 4. There can be warped mirrors and clear mirrors. When mom and dad yell at each other, child scared. Last one chosen on team losing self-esteem. When ) grow up, )(cid:495)m going to be an artist, it(cid:495)s in my blood side-stream learning. You can(cid:495)t judge boys by the way they look (look at their heart) Tooth fairy doesn(cid:495)t always come sometimes he(cid:495)s broke. My teacher always calls on me when ) don(cid:495)t know the answer. Older i get, the less attention i get. Important to understand the potential value in children. We are the generation accountable for their future. Realize as canadians, that each child = greatest canadian resource. What they(cid:495)ll become is from the tools we(cid:495)ll give them.