SOCIOL 2S06 Study Guide - Sylvia Walby, Socialist Feminism, Conversation Analysis

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Presentation of the self in every day life influenced by i & me discrepancy between ourselves+socialized selves (me) Goffman s dramaturgical theory see s social life as a series of dramatic performances, similar to theatre people presenting themselves in a certain way. = attempt to influence the views others have of them occurs in the front stage the self in dramaturgical theory people engage to present a self that will be accept. Most performances are successful (presentation of self) Tries to avoid making mistakes in the performance. The audience sometimes has a stake in successful performance displaying great interest or not noticing mistakes in the performance (ie. date) A cynical view of people calculating and selfish. His theory rules out any human behavior motivated by altruism. Impression management seems to be a way for people to manipulate others. The dramaturgical interaction between stigmatized people and normal gap between what a person ought to be (virtual vs. social identity)-fat stigma.