PSYCH 2NF3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Substantia Nigra, Inferior Colliculus, Superior Colliculus

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Midterm 2: relaying information to and from the brain. Cerebellum: contains 4x the neurons than the cerebral cortex. Important in motor coordination and motor learning: posture and skilled learning, postural reflexes, balance. Two main subdivisions near the 3rd ventricle. Located dorsally is the tectum and ventrally is the tegmentum. Tectum contains: superior colliculus (receives visual info think about how eyes are located above ears) Inferior colliculus (receives auditory input inferior think below the eyes) Tegmentum: substantia nigra involved in approach / avoidance behaviors, periqueductal grey matter surrounds cerebral aqueduct and contains circuits for species-typical behavior and our response to pain, red nucleus limb movements, cerebral aqueduct. One of its major parts = the thalamus. Two major components: subcortical and neocortex: neocortex the outer most layer of the brain (and newestwhat neo" means, subcortical means beneath the cortex, basal ganglia and limbic system. The main structures: basal ganglia help manages the volume associated with our movements, caudate nucleus, putamen, globus palidus.