PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Trait Theory, Radical Behaviorism, Enigma Machine

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Active areas in personality: eclectic learning or behavioral theories and cognitive approaches. Bandura - focused on social learning of aggression. If there are general tendencies then we should see a very strong relation between measures traits and individual behavior. Interested in self-control and one"s ability to delay gratification. Like maslow, said that personality theorists had over emphasized certain factors. Reciprocal determinism - that person variables, situation and behavioral all interact with each other. Your perception of that interpretation makes you act a certain way. Your action then changes both the situation itself and your processing of it. Social learning person variables - contribute to the conditions of a specific situation. Used to predict how a person will most likely behave. cognitive processes that an individual uses to perceive and evaluate a situation. internal processes. Determines which stimuli are perceived and acted upon. Shapes the way we interact with the world. Active cognitive processes that operate in the present.