PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intellectualization, Erogenous Zone, Forego

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Involve concepts that are vague and abstract, and therefore difficult to quantify. Other: personality is not a physical entity but a hypothetical construct a term or idea invented to give a label to something developed to explain the nature of observed objects or events. Problem each is correct in its own right. Motivation: the belief that we do things to get pleasure, freud translates hedonism into biology by seeing it as instincts. Neuroscience: activity in the dopaminergic reward pathway seems to reinforce our responses to food, sex, and other pleasurable experiences also activated in acts of aggression. Primary process: the way that the id satisfies needs, when it feels tension, searches through images of objects associated with needs (wish) Id then invests energy in conjuring up or creating images based on the wish to reduce tension: does not use a lot of libido. Cathexis: the relationship between the need and the image providing hallucinatory wish- fulfillment.