PSYCH 2AA3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Neuroglia, Unschooling

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He will meet a lot of new people and he will take the school bus instead of being dropped off. Which of bronfenbrenner"s systems is most relevant to timmy"s situation: mesosystem, microsystem, exosystem, chronosystem (answer) The term critical period falls under which theory: ethological theory (answer, biological theory, maturational theory, evolutionary-adaptation theory. Samantha is a 2-year-old child who sees another kid at daycare pick up and play with her favourite stuffed pig. Frustrated, samantha is about to go and grab the toy out of the child"s hands but something stops her. Samantha: the ego (answer, the teacher"s voice in her head saying that grabbing is naughty, the super ego, the id. At which psychosocial stage would you learn to work with others: basic trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and self-doubt c. d. The beings of the alien planet blugion value dances in the city center every night at the same time.