PSYCH 2AA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Short-Term Memory, Information Processor, Information Processing

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Information processing in older children: working memory capacity and efficiency, development of strategy use, role of knowledge. Information processing system makes sure only relevant sensory input is being processed. Sensory input goes into the sensory store: all information in the sensory store is lost in 0. 5-3 seconds. If information is not rehearsed and into the working memory, it will be lost within 10-15 seconds. If rehearsed, information will be stored permanently in long-term memory. Information needed to comprehend new information is from the working memory: can use techniques for processing new information from working memory. Infants do not have long term memory because everything is new. Spoken word sensory + auditory register (know it is a word based on sounds) short term + working (rehearsal) long term (seek information needed to comprehend, look for techniques to help process) Do not have long term memory because they don"t have much of an information base.