PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Complementary Colors, Color Vision, Trichromacy

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Colour is a creation of our minds; this subjective experience relates to how the different wavelengths of light affect certain cones in our retina. Many birds, fish, reptiles and insects have excellent colour vision. Among mammals colour vision is limited to primates including humans; they can only see in shades of grey. The functions of colour vision in different species. Primates have 3 types of cones in the eyes which are used for colour vision. Primate colour vision is especially well suited to distinguish red and yellow against a green background. This adaptation helps immensely with foraging for fruit in the bushes and trees. In this way, one possible biological advantage of colour vision for primates is the ability to detect colourful objects in the wild. Just need a few receptor types whose activity can be combined in various proportions to make every conceivable colour.