[PSYCH 1XX3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 38 pages long Study Guide!

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First born tend to be competitive, trend setter, lots of attention from parents. Last born tend to be babied, less protected, more freedom. Testing has shown that subjects who had high restraint did better in later life (sat, working memory etc. ) Low restraint subjects: increased drug use and divorce rates. Habituation: show the same stimulus until the infant becomes bored (habituated), then present a new stimulus to see if they become interested again (dishabituated = able to tell a difference btwn the stimuli) Study: expectant mothers, researchers tested new born babies for preference for face like stimuli vs non-face like stimuli. Generally the babies preferred face like stimuli. Young infant can tell the difference btwn 2 similar phonemes. Explained by our lifetime of experience (expected mouth movement vs sound we hear) First three years of life are developmentally important. Lumosity -- no scientific proof that cognition is improved by using this app.