PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reinforcement

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Instrumental conditioning : the learning of a contingency between behaviour and consequence. (involuntary) Edward l. thorndike began studying cats in a puzzle box. The animal would engage in random behaviours as it tried to escape. As the cat struggled it would pull on the rope by accident. Thorndike predicted that after first time the cat accidentally pulled the string, it would pull the string immediately on future trials. Instead he found out that the frequency of the random behaviours gradually decreased over time. Cats learn from trial-and-error, rather than conscious learning of escape behaviour. Favourable behaviours (rope pulling behaviour) are "stamped in" Unfavourable behaviours (random behaviour) are "stamped out" Law of effect: behaviours with positive consequences are stamped in and are performed more frequently. While, behaviours with negative consequences are stamped out and performed less frequently. Behaviours can be changed through either presentation or removal of reinforcers.