PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sleep Deprivation, Availability Heuristic, Fundamental Attribution Error

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You are already an expert in assessing behaviour through forming impressions - slide 2. You have learned how to form impressions of people around you through social events and interactions. Experience allows one to make automatic judgements to categorize personality and behaviour of others. Influences how you judge your own actions and beliefs. Conscious and unconscious judgements you make lead to social perceptions which influences how you interpret your own and other"s behaviour. For every observed behaviour, there are many possible motivating factors. Makes it difficult to attribute intentions to observed actions. Maybe he lost a bet or was in an odd mood. We quickly and automatically form impressions based on observed behaviour - slide 7. You can get a lot of info about a person by just observing their behaviour. How you interpret the behaviour can lead to you forming an impression that may or may not reflect the situation.