POLSCI 1G06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kyoto Protocol, Direct Democracy, Authoritarianism

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Critically answer any three (and only three) of the following six questions. Your answers should demonstrate a thorough knowledge of both the lectures and the required readings. [only six of the ten questions below will appear on the exam] To do well in this exam your exam answers must demonstrate an explicit awareness of the academic debates that we discussed in class. You are also advised to draw upon the required readings (particularly the. Academic journal articles) in your answers where relevant. Relying on the overheads posted on avenue is insufficient. They can provide a good start for your exam preparation - but they must be supplemented by lectures and readings if your goal is to do well. The exam is scheduled for two hours and thirty minutes. All of the questions provide the opportunity to explore sophisticated debates one page responses are not going to be able to fully explore these debates.