MUSIC 2MT3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Language Disorder, Early Music, Therapeutic Relationship

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In a mt session, the therapist would play pre-composed music using an instrument as opposed to pre- recorded music. In a ltc facility, pre-composed music is used in a group setting, which can at times be mistaken for a sing along. However, a sing-a-long is not a mt intervention as it may be a form of entertainment. Pre-composed songs are used by the mt to reach specific healthcare goals. The songs chosen must be meaningful for the identity and well-being of the client. Music time-line: listening to music takes the client back to certain places, which can help in mapping their life. Temporal chunking principles in non musical memory processes. Music structure, which your brain can categorize into groups (aba structure) When learning the alphabet, it is easiest through a song. The idea of a social worker who saw how many people were not engaged in meaningful activity. Example: henry is a client who was not alive without music.