LIFESCI 2H03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 72 pages long!)

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Sanitation: hygienic means of preventing human contact from the hazards of wastes to promote health. There is a wide disparity of water worldwide: north america will have much more than 100l per person. No access: less than 5l (very high health implications) Basic access: does not exceed 20l (high: minimum amount we need is higher than this may lead to people relying unsafe sources, still considered a low amount, people will need more water for cooking, cleaning, etc. Intermediate access: about 50l (low: high ceiling for most developing countries, exceeding this amount is difficult. Optimal access: average 100l (very low health concerns) Unsustainable water use (irrigation: climate change is leading to the loss of freshwater (dry lands, semi arid environments, colorado river joint river in us and mexico that drains into the pacific ocean. Global change + population pressure has lead to a higher stress of water loss. Inefficient large amount of water wasted where plants are already saturated.