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Immigrant labour experience and role of immigrant (cid:1) Varied experiences: skilled workers, unskilled immigrant labour. Canada relied on immigration for its labour supply, didn"t rely on aboriginal population that much. 3 main policies: protective tariffs, settling the west, immigration to add population. 1913 a record breaking 400,870 people immigrated to canada. Big industries constantly wanted more people for couple of reasons. Experiences varied, depended on who you were. Mainly british, europeans, small number of asians this was a key part of canadas boom at the time. For the most part, it was a relatively easy transition for workers coming into the country. Vast majority of the people coming over were doing unskilled work. Multiple levels of hardship: poorly paid, not safe. It was a week to week sometimes day to day struggle to get work. Most of the immigrant workers came over from a place even worse. Ethnic niches work in 2 senses: forming ethnic neighborhoods, services in discount.