LABRST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rand Formula, Structured Product, Cultural Movement

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People moved to canada for new economic opportunities which could be found in the booming staple economy canada had. A staple is a good or commodity which is a resource such as gold, copper, lumber, fish, wheat, and so on. Canada is one of the world"s largest resource-based economies. The first and perhaps most famous resource in canada was the cod fish which is now a protected species. Early pioneers came to canada and set up out port fisheries that were designed to get people out to fishing spots. These were typically isolated communities that were very small but would flake, salt and dry fish for export. Another renowned staple industry in canada was the fur trade which had aboriginal laborer"s and europeans. This was an extremely lucrative industry with hbc at its head that set up trading posts across canada for the purchasing and shipment of beaver pelts back to europe.