[KINESIOL 4SS3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 134 pages long Study Guide!

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A wearing out process of various systems that eventually lead to a loss of adaptability, functional impairment and eventually death. Personal can have different chronological and biological ages. Decline in the function of various bodily systems. Result of external inputs, lifestyle, disease, and environment. Not always a negative affect that accelerates aging. Secondary could involve a process that decreases the rate of aging. Disease can accelerate the primary aging process. But the aging process can increase susceptibility of disease. May not be possible to increase maximum lifespan but may increase the probability of attaining or exceeding the average lifespan (ex, slow down the rate of secondary aging) Maximum lifespan is and has been ~125 years. Food restriction: rat studies suggest that if food is restricted to 2/3 normal, they live longer than non-food restricted diets, less energy available for metabolism, cellular proliferation, etc.