KINESIOL 4KK3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 58 pages long!)

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)f you can(cid:495)t get past this stage, full healing isn(cid:495)t achieved: ex, chrohn(cid:495)s disease, can be an indicator that the threat hasn(cid:495)t been removed, management is different. 4 pillars of our programs: range of motion (rom, resistance exercise, neuromuscular communication, turn on when you need it to, response of the muscles, intercommunication, pain + other symptoms, umbrella for why people come into rehab, swelling etc. Which roms are limited: any limitations you find here must be addressed in the rehab process, something that is limiting for the patient. Rom limiters passive: stress of injured structure causes pain, pain as a limiter, tissue is not ready for that motion, only work within the pain free range at this time. Joint swelling (effusion: cannot make the joint move in the way you want it, solution: do things to get the fluid out, limited stretch from ct.