[KINESIOL 4KK3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (89 pages long!)

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Three stages along the continuum of healing, not discrete stages. Goal: isn"t to eliminate inflammation, but that its going through the normal, healthy, useful amount of inflammation b/c it is part of the healing process. Chemical response: damage to any tissue results in a standard process of at least 3 chemicals, histamine, bradykinin and prostaglandin. Histamine: eg. allergy reaction, hives at the root of itchiness antihistamines stop it. Leads to vascular changes (blood vessels: permeability (leakiness) and diameter of vessels both increase. Results in vasodilation due to increased blood flow. All 3 chemicals are potent vasodilators, why we can get a lot of blood flow to the area. Increased permeability, allow fluids to move out from inside of vessel to tissue. Doesn"t mean we"re bleeding into tissue but plasma components can push out; drainage. Bradykinin has a secondary job it changes the sensitivity of our nociceptors.