KINESIOL 3U03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lung Volumes, Bradycardia, Hemoglobin

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Dramatic trend between 1992-2005, sports by participation has gone down dramatically. Basketball and soccer - the only area where participation increased slightly. Earlier" participation in youth sport + selection of talented youth will intensive training at a young age have an influence on/ affect the following: growth most likely no, maturation no. 3. social and psychological development huge impact. Ages 2 to 5: most children can master many basic movements, but these should be practiced using free play rather than organized sports. Think activities such as throwing, running, kicking, catching a light ball, or pedalling with training wheels: able to do basic movements. Ages 6 to 7: at this age, a child can usually understand a little about teamwork and better follow directions. This is when you can start considering an organized sport such as softball, soccer, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, or athletics: team participation, recreational activity.