HTHSCI 2C06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nebulizer, Aspirin, Salbutamol

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This chart lists the types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) along with their causes, pathophysiology, clinical features, confirming diagnostic measures, and management. Abnormal, irreversible enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles due to destruction of alveolar walls, resulting in decreased elastic recoil properties of lungs. Most common cause of death from respiratory disease in the. Cigarette smoking and congenital deficiency of alpha1- antitrypsin. Other signs and symptoms of long-term disease: anore xia, weight loss, malaise, barrel chest, use of accessory muscles of respiration, prolonged expiratory period with grunting, pursed-lip breathing, and tachypnea. Complicati ons: recurrent respiratory tract infections, cor pulmonale, respiratory failure. Physical examination: hyper resonance on percussion, decreased breath sounds, expiratory prolongation, and quiet heart sounds. Chest x- ray: in advanced disease, flattened diaphragm, reduced vascular markings at lung periphery, hyperinflation of lungs, vertical heart, enlarged anteroposterio r chest diameter, large retrosternal air space.