HTHSCI 1H06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pronator Quadratus Muscle, Oblique Popliteal Ligament, Knee

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Stability of the sternoclavicular joint: interclavicle ligament, anterior sternoclavicular ligament, costoclavicular ligament, posterior sternoclavicular ligament. Stability of the acromioclavicular joint: acromioclavicular ligament coracoclavicular ligament. function. Abducts scapula tooth muscle) rotates upward elevates ribs when scapula stabilized. If all fibres activated then scapula is stablized. Rhomboid major/minor: elevate scapula together rotate scapula downwards. Additional info: ball and socket synovial joint- greater movement than hip contains fibrocartilage- glenoid labrum within the glenoid cavity, the articular capsule envelops the joint and extends from the glenoid cavity to the anatomical neck of the humerus. Muscle the shoulder: when all activated same time- rot function. Teres minor and infraspinatus: movement of lateral rotation of shoulder swings arms side to side. Subscapularis: medial rotation of shoulder including pectoralis major, deltoid. Pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi, teres major: works with coracobrachialis and flexes shoulder, prime movers-synergistically to adduct shoulder. Teres major/latissimus dorsi: opposing flexor muscles and shoulder extensor muscles, act synergistically to extend the shoulder.