HLTHAGE 2G03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Strange Behaviour, Neurochemistry, Authoritarianism

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Mental illness: linker w/ depression/ inherently violent stereotypes: i. e. - celeb breakdown, hearing god voices, homosexuality. Many ways to look at mental illness: spiritual problem, balance problem (humors/chemical), personal problems, social problems. Physical disease symptoms/ diagnosis/ treatment: each diagnosis has its own symptoms [prenatal damage/ genetics] Focus on individual mental/ psychic processes: internal mental process what goes on in mind effects social functioning. Mental disorder = learned behaviour: people positively/ negatively conditioned [unlearn deviant behaviour] Social stress model : socioeconomic characteristics places people at diff lvls of mental illness. Combination of previous models: bio-psychosocial model gene/ chemistry + thoughts behavior + ses/ culture. Different explanations work better w/ different disorders. Mind/ body dualism much psychical in mental disorders: i. e. cancer patient mentally affected or depression physically affected. Stigma: discrimination towards people w/ mental illnesses: society doesn"t like different -> treatment = teachers person to be normal. Master status: affects the whole self -> becomes identity.