HLTHAGE 2G03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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Line between physical and mental not as clear as dualists would assume, ex. cause, experience, symptom expression. Heart rate, respiration, nervous system may all reflect mental phenomena. Despite the links between body and mind, physical state cannot necessarily give an indication of mental health. Whether tense shoulder or shortness of breath, myriad explanations. Physical and mental health have to be thought of as intertwined. Thus, mental heath is almost entirely self reported - great importance of self-perception ** Thermometer and blood pressure cuff allow us to go past their story and allow us to tap into their body. With mental health there is no way of doing this. Mental heath enters the social world in a way physical health doesn"t. We have to think of gender, sexuality, physical location, culture now - they are very important when it comes to mental health. When we say mental heath were are referring to feelings, thoughts etc.