HISTORY 1CC3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Feudalism, Middle Ages, Donato Bramante

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Document Summary

Italian renaissance: meaning of the "renaissance , rebirth " from latin "renasci (re-, again + nasci, to be born, broad, general meaning= all the great change in european life and thought from. Secularization (non-religious) of thought: not atheist however, geographic discovery *, age of exploration. Individualism: pride in being different with different talents everyone has, narrower sense= intellectual movement originating in italy that wanted to bring back the ancient greek and roman (latin) stuff. They thought the middle ages stunk and they wanted to go back to the. Italy had cities that were much larger than anywhere else in europe: these cities was where the action was, wealthy class rose to patronize learning, education and the arts, urban life released individual liberty. Prosperity made possible luxury: violence in and between italian city-states, communal struggles, party conflicts. Inter-urban warfare: rise of despots, nicolo machiavelli, the prince. Individual careers, talents and ambitions: petrarch and humanism, francesco petrarca (petrarch). l304-1374 ***