ENVIRSC 1G03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Glacier, Glacier Morphology

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Termperature must be low enough to hold snow year round (high altitude and longitude) closer to poles = bigger glaciers closer to equator = no glaciers. Types of glaciers mountain glacier in mountain areas where snow does not melt in the summer continental glacier large, continental-scale feature owing out from the centre. *ice always moves in the direction of gravity! Movement of glacial ice top of ice fractures (brittle) and crevasses form lower zone ows (ductile) Glacial erosion cirques - bowl shaped depression marking the origin of a valley glacier. Ar te - sharp ridge between two cirques river valleys are v-shaped naturally but become u-shaped after glaciers have melted (they expanded) Moraines - deposits of till (on a glacier or left behind when the glacier melts) What causes ice ages: tectonic movement , long-term cycle variation in heat input to earth, atmospheric conditions, including dust and co2 levels.