ENVIRSC 1G03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Surface Tension, Frank Slide

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Downhill movement of earth materials due to gravity. Important part of erosion and weathering movement caused by over-steepening of slopes due to erosion by streams, glaciers, waves etc. Angle of repose - unconsolidated material at gravitational equilibrium depends on: particle size angularity sorting wet or dry. Role of water surface tension of water can increase cohesion (if a little bit is present - too much water causes a decrease in cohesion) Flows - mud ows, debris ows, earth ows unconsolidated and osometimes water-saturated materials. Creep - slowest form of mass unconsolidated material slowy drifts downhill. Triggers for mass movement: unfavourable geological structures frank slide gros ventre vaiont heavy rainfall or snow melt gross ventre earthquakes unfavourable arti cial structures vaiont slide. Conditions leading to rock/landslides weak layers (i. e. shale) supporting heavy loads (sandstone) groundwater level high b/c of snow melt and spring rain erosion of slope by river.