COMMERCE 3QA3 Midterm: brs_mdm3_tif_ch02

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Chapter 2 linear programming models: graphical and computer methods. 2. 1 chapter questions: consider the following linear programming model: This problem violates which of the following assumptions: certainty, proportionality, divisibility, linearity, integrality. Difficulty: easy: consider the following linear programming model: This problem violates which of the following assumptions: additivity, divisibility, non-negativity, proportionality, linearity. X1, x2 0: a redundant constraint is eliminated from a linear programming model. What effect will this have on the optimal solution: feasible region will decrease in size, feasible region will increase in size, a decrease in objective function value, an increase in objective function value, no change. Difficulty: moderate: consider the following linear programming model: This linear programming model has: alternate optimal solutions, unbounded solution, redundant constraint, infeasible solution, non-negative solution. Difficulty: moderate: a linear programming model generates an optimal solution with fractional values. This solution satisfies which basic linear programming assumption: certainty, divisibility, proportionality, linearity, non-negativity. X1, x2 0: consider the following linear programming model: